David Ricks


David is a graduate of Purdue University with a degree in Ag
Systems Management and has been working in the business of Crop Insurance and
Marketing since 2007. Prior to this, he worked for 20 years in the seed
industry in research, production, operations and sales. This experience, along
with his roots growing up on a grain and livestock farm in Northwest Indiana,
gives David a firm understanding of the agriculture industry and the challenges
growers face. As an Account Manager for AgPerspective, David plays a vital role
in helping farmers maximize their profit potential, and has a track record of
developing deep relationships and being a great resource to his clients. David
and his wife, Diana, have one son Spencer. He enjoys time away from work at
sporting events and boating with the family. "The thing that drives me is the
opportunity to serve and consult with farmers in the areas of brokerage,
merchandising, and crop insurance. The way AgPerspective ties all three
together is very exciting."