Planning is an integral part of every business. Farmers are excellent planners when it comes to preparing for every crop year. Crop rotation, advance buying, equipment maintenance and all of the aspects of producing a crop are taken into consideration and planned. While this type of planning comes easy and is often second nature to a skilled and experienced farmer, strategic planning for your business is often overlooked.

Strategic Planning is process that assists our clients identify long range strategies to help in making decisions that affect the business of the farm. How and when to grow the operation, or how to begin the process of retirement; how to pass the operation on to the next generation and how to prepare the next generation for taking control; equipment acquisition, cash management, financing and business structure are some of the topics that require both careful thought and long-term execution. 

We start with a SWOT analysis, identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of your operation. The goal of the process is to minimize the Threats, take advantage of opportunities, eliminate weaknesses and build on the strengths all with a long-term vision for the farming operation. 

Identifying Strengths
Threats of your Operation
The goal of the process is to minimize the Threats, take advantage of the opportunities, eliminate weaknesses and build on the strengths, all with a long-term vision for the farming operation.